final user造句

"final user"是什么意思   


  1. Object that represents the final user account creation step
  2. Gets a reference to the final user account creation step
  3. Property specifies the type of navigation ui to display for the final user account creation step the
  4. Gets or sets the title to display for the final user account creation step of the
  5. Event when the user clicks the continue button on the final user account creation step
  6. It's difficult to find final user in a sentence. 用final user造句挺难的
  7. Occurs when the user clicks the continue button in the final user account creation step
  8. So the final user should confirm if the supplier can show a gb19854 - 2005 certificate
    因此,最终用户一定要问清楚供应商是否能出示gb19854 - 2005证书。
  9. Gets or sets the url of an image used for the continue button on the final user account creation step
    获取或设置最终用户帐户创建步骤上的“继续”按钮所用图像的url 。
  10. Onto your designer . these controls should be positioned and designed as you want them to appear in the final user control
  11. Abstract design : information architecture and interaction design translate strategic objectives into a conceptual framework for the final user experience
  12. Some < equipment > validation protocols written by the supplier can be used and the others shall be prepared probably by the final user
  13. Mathematic mesh is composed of folded covers and could be random set by final user , and physical mesh is composed of real material boundary , joints or discontinuities , phase interfaces etc and could n ' t be artifical
  14. From the experiment results we conclude that after using our strategy to study user ' s interests , final user ' s model is better and higher in integration , accuracy and speed to the desired goal than young - woo seo in seoul national university did
    最后我们做了一个的实验,结果发现:在使用木论文的学习策略学习用户兴趣后,得到的用户模型在整体性、精确性和逼近目标的速度_ l二都高于汉城国际大学的young一w 。 。 seo在2000年提出的学习用户模型的策略。
  15. The chapter 4 recommends how to launch a network auto store and build the b to c electronic commercial platform facing the final users . the chapter 5 analyzes how to make use of distribution management system to transform original marking methods
  16. In our work here , a model of data mining was developed , which got its foundation from artificial neural networks . hi fact , this kind of model might be called an infant protocol for dss ( decision support system ) , which accepts final users " raw data , integrates various sources of data , cleanses them from garbages , then normalizes them into an intermediatary data file . from this temporary data file , the dss model can now make a conclusion , which is a fuzzy set . to do this , we introduce a kind of ann models called bp network , which classifies the records from the normalized data file . in the model . we put our main emphasis on bp network and its training algorithm . ann has been a branch of ai , and it has some kind of intelligence of human beings , as to memorization and reasoning
    我们实现的模型是一个有机的数据处理和决策综合系统,首先,模型接受用户在通常的mis系统中积累产生的各种数据,对这些原始的, “粗糙”的数据,我们第一步的工作是对他们进行预处理,这个过程其实相当的复杂棘手,最典型的,它首先要集成来自不同数据源的数据,其次,它要能够对这种数据进行清洗,除去我们不感兴趣的脏数据,最后,它还要对数据进行重新的解释,处理数据的规范化,一致化等问题。在进行了必要的数据预处理之后,我们就可以对这种合适的数据进行决策分类了。
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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